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Kitesurfing for beginners (private)

(8 hours) kite-surfing beginner courses

8 ώ
450 ευρώ

Περιγραφή υπηρεσίας

Kitesurfing Lesson: Total 8 hours Private Kiteboarding Lessons. Discover and analyze the beach and the wind Learn wind window and fly a trainer kite Set up the equipment and learn safety system Learn how to Launch and relaunch the kite setup the kite upwind body drag upwind body-drag with board relaunch your kite from the water practice your upwind body-drag learn how to downwind body drag learn all wterstart techniques training and standing up on the board on both side learn self rescue learn right of way learn up wind riding try transitions

Στοιχεία επικοινωνίας

  • Heaven Surf House, Gemikonağı

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